Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Change the font on your P1!

I recently came across this post on Esato, and thought I'd give it a try on my P1 - pleased to say it works!

The basic steps are:
- Put your M2 card in to a PC, and create a folder called "resource". Within that, create a folder called "fonts".

- Find the font you want to use (I suggest this site for free fonts) Note that for best results you should find one that has 4 types available - regular, bold, italic and bolditalic).

-Rename the font files to these names:


-Copy them into the fonts folder you created on the M2 card, and reboot the phone - new fonts!

I have made a seperate fonts folder on the memory card with a subfolder for each named font, and the 4 files within it, the plan being I can copy them from there to the d:\resource\fonts folder and reboot to try a different one without needing the PC. You'll need to use something like x-plore for this though, as the resource folder will be a system one. Note that this won't work with newer windows fonts as they have a .ttc extension and are a different type...

If you find any fonts that work well - leave a comment!

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Replacement file manager - x-plore

I've just installed x-plore from Lonely Cat Games.
This is a replacement file manager for symbian devices. Initial impressions seem good; I just used it to delete a load of files from a folder on my phone by simply dragging the stylus down the side of them to "tick" them all in one go. The font used is also very small which I like personally as you can fit a lot more on the screen.
The main view is a tree view, similar to Windows Explorer for instance, which makes it very easy to navigate around. You can do the usual file operations (move, copy, delete, open) and also some great sounding extra features I have yet to try, such as packing files into a .zip (or opening), viewing Word documents, viewing system folders on the phone (o/s dependant) and more. The featurelist from their site is as follows:

  • View all drives / folders / files on phone in tree view *
  • Integrated text and image viewer
  • View file details
  • Edit file attriutes (hidder, read-only, etc)
  • Rename and delete files
  • Create or edit text files
  • Create folders
  • Multi-selection
  • Copy or move files and folders
  • Send files by Bluetooth or Infrared
  • Extract files from Zip, Rar, Jar archives
  • Pack files to Zip archive
  • View Word documents
  • Hardware device info
  • View processes and tasks **
  • Built-in program update
  • Viewing, saving files in Messaging folders
  • Hex viewer and editor
  • Search files
  • Folder hotkeys
The full version is $9.50 which isn't bad (in the UK, that equates to under a fiver) so I'll continue to play around with it and update the trial once I'm happy.

Sunday, 11 November 2007

HCH-72 Car holder installed

One of the reasons I went for the P1 over some of the other new SE Phones is that I can put TomTom on it. The next job of course was fitting the phone in the car!
I've had some "universal" windscreen mounts in the past, and they are okay but I decided I'd rather have the phone a bit closer to me due to the smaller screen. Also, I wanted to get away from cables draped all over the car interior.
So, I got the HCH-72 Car holder. This is designed specifically for the P1, and has a socket on the bottom to connect a car charger to.

Unfortunately the HCH-72 doesn't come supplied with any sort of mount apart from screw holes on the back, but there wasn't anywhere suitable on my dashboard to put it. I got a strip of aluminium, then cut/bent it as needed so that the HCH-72 now sits in the right place in the car. The bracket is screwed to the upper inside face of the instrument binnacle, so the screw holes won't be too visible when I eventually remove the bracket. It seems pretty sturdy although I have yet to road-test it! The next job is to route power to it neatly rather than having the charging cable stretching up to it...

Thursday, 1 November 2007

New Icons

Our dev team recently purchase an massive library of Icons - I've taken a few choice ones onto my P1i to replace the standard Sony Ericsson icons, and some of the app ones (such as using a little car for TomTom etc!)

Sunday, 28 October 2007

New firmware available

Sony Ericsson have released a firmware update for the P1i. Currently it is only available for Generic World 1 phones it seems (although you can change the CDA of your phone to this using XS++ ()).

The new fw is R9J005 - R6F38

When I restored my backup, it didn't restore 3rd party apps though, so the likes of TomTom, ScummVM and WorldMate all needed re-installing. Not sure if that's normal or not!

Saturday, 27 October 2007

First P1i theme online!

I've just uploaded my first P1 theme to the website. Titled "Black Glass" it's a nice dark theme that I think suits the phone well. Visit the Free Sony Ericsson Themes page at puffle ( and check it out. I'd love to hear any comments!

Friday, 26 October 2007

Google Maps

If you visit the usual link for google maps mobile version ( you'll get a java version that runs on "normal" handsets. This is fine, but there is a nicer version for Symbian that runs full-screen on the P1i. To get it, simply open the P1's web browser and point to (the French site) and it will ask to install it.
Have fun!

Theme designing for Symbian

Some readers may have seen my previously created themes for the K750, W800 and W810 Sony Ericsson handsets (and if not, check them out - Free Sony Ericsson themes) so of course I am now looking at designing some themes for my new P1i.

The first thing I have discovered is that there is quite a lot more to it- you can now design the individual checkboxes, radio buttons and so on, but these images aren't simple static ones; rather they are multi-bitmaps, so for instance to define a checkbox, your bitmap will actually have to be a 3x4 grid with 12 checkbox images for various states (ticked, unavailable and so on). I think I'm getting there, but SE's theme creator doesn't really give much of a hint other than the image size - NOTHING on the layout! Thansk guys...

Doing some hunting, I found a couple of sites that give a pretty good definition and some examples: UIQ.Com PDF document and UIQ Wiki theme page.

Unfortunately, both the above still seem to lack some of the elements the P1 seems to ask for, but my first theme is almost done and will be available here and on the Puffle website soon!

Vodafone Internet access sorted.

Generally for my internet access I have always used the Internet APN for GPRS on previous phones. When I first set up the P1i for access though, it seemed to be using the Vodafone wap access point - pages were being reformatted into shorter ones with 'next'/'previous' type buttons, the email service wouldn't connect and quite a few websites refused to load.
I've since discovered that the "Address" field in the Internet Connection properties also acts as an APN field, so by simply entering the address "internet", I'm now using the correct APN and everything works! Hurrah!

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Welcome to my Sony Ericsson P1i Blog!

I've just gotten a new phone, a Sony Ericsson P1i. As this is my first "smartphone" I figured a blog might be good so I can put all my discoveries and thoughts in one place where I can easily find them, and it might be helpful for other people too!