Friday, 26 October 2007

Theme designing for Symbian

Some readers may have seen my previously created themes for the K750, W800 and W810 Sony Ericsson handsets (and if not, check them out - Free Sony Ericsson themes) so of course I am now looking at designing some themes for my new P1i.

The first thing I have discovered is that there is quite a lot more to it- you can now design the individual checkboxes, radio buttons and so on, but these images aren't simple static ones; rather they are multi-bitmaps, so for instance to define a checkbox, your bitmap will actually have to be a 3x4 grid with 12 checkbox images for various states (ticked, unavailable and so on). I think I'm getting there, but SE's theme creator doesn't really give much of a hint other than the image size - NOTHING on the layout! Thansk guys...

Doing some hunting, I found a couple of sites that give a pretty good definition and some examples: UIQ.Com PDF document and UIQ Wiki theme page.

Unfortunately, both the above still seem to lack some of the elements the P1 seems to ask for, but my first theme is almost done and will be available here and on the Puffle website soon!

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